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Rabbi's Message     by Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman


At Congregation Ohav Emeth any Jew, no matter what his or her background, can find the blessings in Torah true observance, the grandeur of our people's noble heritage, and a place to reconnect with G-d.

Our many minyanim, our abundant offering of shiurim (including two daily daf yomi classes), our Scholar-in Residence programs as well as our various efforts on behalf of those in need in our community and beyond are all part of what makes our shul a vibrant home for Yiddishkeit.

It is the emphasis we place on our deep connection to our fellow Jews and the Land of Israel that defines who we are as a congregation at Ohav Emeth.

Our full programming for both members and friends, as well as the range of activities run by our very talented Youth Department for children of all ages, make our Shul the inviting and engaging place it is.

We are blessed to have so many dedicated and generous people who make up the leadership of our Congregation. They work so hard to make such profound difference to others every day.

Whether you are new to our Shul or a "veteran", we welcome you and invite you to participate in all that Congregation Ohav Emeth has to offer. We look forward to growing together spiritually and learning with you.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785