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To our Congregation Ohav Emeth Community,


The past three weeks have been an amazing learning experience for me as president of our Shul and I want to thank all those who have been a constant source of help and guidance during this transitional period. I look forward to working collaboratively with the Rabbi, the executive committee, the board, and of course, our membership. Together we can become the best OE we can be.


I share this survey link, and I ask you to please take a moment of your time to complete it. I want to hear your voice and listen to your comments about our Shul. We can only continue to enhance our Shul community with your help and support. We can accomplish this goal by investing in the growth of our Shul.


You are the wonderful people who come through our doors for our many weekly minyanimshiurim, youth and Shul events, and our many Shabbat and teen minyanim. The strength of our Shul is its diversity of people from different backgrounds, cultures, customs, ages, family, and marital status who unite our ShulOE IS THE PLACE TO BE, a place where achdut among many things is a core center of our being. Ohav Emeth is a place to daven, learn, and socialize in a shared place of spiritual growth and connection.


I am excited to share the following immediate initiatives planned for this summer of 2023.

  •  July 9th, we had a very successful Community Wide OE Summer Kickoff Family BBQ with 200 people in attendance. Thank you to all who attended!
  •  July 22nd, August 5th, August 19th a three-part women’s lecture series followed by a Shalishudis to be held at various host homes (see flier in the Shul announcements).
  •  July 23rd Yad Leah Clothing drive in the OE parking Lot
  •  July 27th Tisha B’av program
  •  August 1st Cinderella, for women in the park (see flier in the Shul announcements).
  •  A men’s learning / lecture series is in the works.
  •  An amazing uplifting Scholar in Residence is in the works for August.
  •  Our ongoing sponsored kiddush events
  •  With your help we will create committees to help support our Shul’s growth.


WE NEED YOU and whatever time you could give. I’m asking you to find one thing that you can handle in your busy life schedule and see what you can do for your Shul!


In the coming weeks, I will review the survey results to begin the next steps so that we can continue to work together in collaboration, enthusiasm, transparency, and growth. As always, please reach out if you want to speak, or even just to say hi!


In Unity,


Moishe Malek



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Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785