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Membership Application

JOIN US AT Ohav Emeth


Congregation Ohav Emeth, founded over 100 years ago, is a vibrant Orthodox synagogue located on the geographic center of Highland Park / Edison and in the religious center of American Orthodoxy. Our membership of more than two hundred families spans the range of halacha-committed Jews. We promote achdut (unity) and religious tolerance. We share a love for Medinat Yisrael and a serious commitment to Torah study. We take seriously Ahavat Yisrael, avoiding Lashon Hara, and do Chesed.

OE as we locals affectionately call our shul buzzes with activity.

Minyanim include three Shacharit Minyanim, Mincha and Ma’ariv b’zman, and a winter-season late Ma’ariv minyan. Every Shabbat and Chag had both a Haskama and “regular” minyan to accommodate every family’s needs. Shiurim are held every day of the week.

Shabbat morning youth groups for our children, as well as a teen minyan to help train our next generation in the art of communal prayer. Award winning Junior and Senior NCSY chapters are supported in conjunction with the other shuls in the community. Programming for younger children are regular scheduled by our youth department and offer a wide range of activated. OE is also the home of a shomer Shabbat Cub Scout pack.

Social activities planned by our sisterhood and congregation run the gamut from lectures to championship softball teams. We host English classes and classes on yahadut for recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Activities for seniors are also part of what OE offers.

The Ohav Emeth welcoming and hospitality committees instill a sense of the warmth and inclusiveness that or synagogue strive to protect.

Our Rav, Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman along with his wife Debby warmly welcome newcomers and bring them into the OE family. The Rabbi is available to provide support and guidance to all congregants. He regular conduct shiurim focused at varying groups.

We invite you to join our shul and to become an active participant in our community.

Please download the forms from the links below and mail or bring in to the Shul’s office.




Click here for the OE Membership Application Part 1

Click here for the OE Membership Application Part 2 (Form B) 

Thank you.


    Welcoming Rate Regular Rate
Family Membership: $425 $850
Single Membership: $212.50 $425
*Associate Member: N/A $300

In addition, Member Families are annually assessed $200 for our building fund. Single members are annually assessed $100.
An Eruv Fee will also be assessed.

*Associate Membership is available to those who maintain full membership in another Local Congregation

Please Note: We willingly adjust the membership rates so that anyone interested in becoming part of our synagogue family will be accommodated. Please contact the President.

Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785